The Brumby pump has solved many of the issues I had with the standard pumps I’d put down the bore hole over the last 7 years. I now have a working irrigation system supplying my 1 ½ acre block with the quantity of water I need to keep the orchard and gardens green and healthy. I was really pleased with the quality of service you provided to help me decide the Brumby pump was the best solution for keeping my bore clean and water flowing. Having all the working parts on the surface to push the water out of the ground is a novel idea that keeps the electrical and mechanical parts, you’d normally get with a standard metal bore pump, out of the hole. Great design with excellent customer service
Brad Valentine/ Western Australia
I wanted a pump that didn't require power at the bore site and deliver good water over 450 meters and up a hill.
The Brumby pump has exceeded our expectations, producing over 1000L/hr at the tank end with a small 10cfm compressor, so only needs to run every few days to top up.
The Brumby was installed and running in a couple of hours and that included running out the 450 meters(1400ft) of air and water delivery pipes.
It saved thousands of Dollars and many hours of work by eliminating the need for a power cable all the way to the bore.
David Lynn, Toodyay, Western Australia
10ft of silt cleaned out in minutes
I have a 70 foot deep well
that filled up with sediment about 10 feet high.
It only took about 10 min to clear this out with your amazing Brumby pump. That’s a foot a minute and I only had a 1.5 hp air compressor
I now have good water again.
Thank you Tom I’m glad I purchased the pump
Wolfgang G
BC, Canada
South Africa
The Brumby Pump is working really well. The farmer is thrilled with it.
The electric pump he had down the borehole before only worked a few weeks at a time before it needed cleaning.
The Bumby has been going like a dream. Send all you got to the UK! Loads of unhappy farmers pulling up cloded up electric pumps.
Many Thanks
Paul Cheers
I had the privilege of dealing with Tom Kress when purchasing an S1 Brumby pump in South Africa during 2010.
The unit has exceeded expectations and I love its reliable simplicity. Theft of copper conductors is a major problem in South Africa. The Brumby has proved to be an elegant solution. In addition it aerates the water, precipitating the iron as ferric hydroxide which I can settle and remove.
I have pumped around 6000 litres daily from my 85m deep well at a rate of 9000lt/h. The surface of the water is around 14m from ground level. I deliver the water via a 40mm pipe to tanks 150m away, situated at about 23m above the well's water surface. The S1 Brumby is deep, at about 80m, giving a submerged depth of about 65m.
Merwyn Wright, South Africa
During these tough economic times it was great to find such a wonderful product, so reasonably priced, and so well made.
The light weight, the ease of use, no need for electricity, no moving parts to corrode, etc., -- all of these make the pump a truly great product! Combined with the excellent customer service, I am genuinely happy & impressed! I had been quoted a $3,600.00 to hook up my well to my existing cistern.
I didn't have that much cash on hand, and I didn't want to add to my monthly bills. I am now able to get my own well water pumped into the cistern -- for a third of the price, and as an added bonus, I now have a compressor which I can use around the old homestead
Lydia Selwood
Virginia, USA
My well is 100 feet deep
Before we started our project we sounded the well it was 92 feet . Now down the well goes the Brumby Pump and on goes the air... The hunks and chunks of dirt/iron even electrical tape started coming out the end of our discharge pipe.
After about a couple of hours.... And many beers the well went from 92 feet to 100. And before I would clog up my filter in a week. Now no clogging of filters and water clarity is great....
Thank you Tom and Brumby pumps....
Dave H
Ontario, Canada

Just thought I'd give you a quick update and thanks on the pump.
It's working great, I got almost 8 feet of sand and silt pulled out of
the bottom of the bore, back to the original bottom, and it's now
keeping my storage tank topped off very efficiently. So thanks a lot.
Ken Bainbridge, California
For a few seconds nothing happened. I thought to myself, it was just too good to be true. Then I heard
a drip and then a trickle and finally with a rush of air and water we were pumping water from 330’ down in the ground with just an air compressor! It took about 130 psi to start the water moving and once it started pumping our air compressor ran at about 100 psi , pumping 15 gallons per minute.
We have been using our Brumby submersible air pump for over a month now. We have 50 fruit trees, 1/2 an acre of extensive vegetable and flower gardens and we have had all the water we need.
As a plumbing professional I love the simplicity of this pump and the ease of installation.
William Struse, Water & DrainWorks LLC, Arizona USA
Our Brumby pump is simply fantastic!
Several months ago we had reason to have a new well drilled. I decided that before I set the new pump for the my well I would do some research to determine the best pump for my water system.
I have been a plumbing contractor for over 18 years so I knew there were three or four quality submersible pumps to choose from.
I just wanted the best. In doing the research about submersible pumps I stumbled upon a web site advertising an air pump used in Australia. Being somewhat of a self sufficient mind set, I thought, wouldn’t that be neat if it was true.
Upon further investigation my skepticism was challenged because the idea was simply brilliant. No wires or complicated moving parts down my 340’ well hole.
Even better I didn’t have to spend several thousand dollars to have a well pump truck come out and install my pump for me.
My wife and I could set the pump ourselves. We ordered our Brumby submersible well pump and waited expectantly until it arrived.
Once we received our pump I made a couple of easy connections to the 1/2” air supply and the 1-1/2” water line. We rolled out 330’ of poly pipe and my wife and I installed the pump in the well.
I should add that our children help feed the pipe to us. By far this was the easiest pump installation I have ever done. Next we connected the other end of the air line to the air compressor and turned it on.